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关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第一篇

I have a very happy holiday.我度过了一个很高兴的假期

My father and mother take me to the zoo,and I see many lovely animals,like monkey,panda,tiger and so on...我的爸爸妈妈带我到动物园,我看到了很多可爱的动物,比如猴子,熊猫,老虎,等等

This year is the Ox year,so we go to the cow factory to see the cows.Oh,how lovely they are! 今年是猪年,所以我们去了奶牛场看奶牛.哦,它们多么可爱呀!

关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第二篇

Just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down. One of her legs was hurt and she couldn't move any more. A kind cleaner saw whis and rushed to her at once. He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. What a warm-hearted man he was!

关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第三篇

长城 The Great Wall

What impresses me most in Beijing is the Great Wall which is one of the greatest projects in the world. It's not only the cultural heritage, but also a symbol of China. "It's glorious." I think. It looks like a big dragon running across the mountainous area. It starts Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west. It's so long that nobody can walk from the beginning to the end.


It was firstly built in Qin Dynasty and prolonged in Ming and Qing dynasties. It was used to protect the enemies from invading in the past, but now it has become the place of interest which attracts so many tourists both at home and abroad.


When I was standing on the top of the Great Wall, I felt as if I were in ancient days. I could see many laborers working very hard. How could they finish this extremely difficult task by hand?


介绍长城The Great Wall

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It’s the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.


The Great Wall has a history of more than 20xx years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence.


Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It’s visited by large numbers of people from all parts of the country and the world.


保护长城 Protect the Great Wall

The Great Wall is famous all over the world, it is one of the most remarkable symbols of China, it has long history. But as there are more and more people to visit the famous building, it has been damaged to some degree. In order to protect the great building, we should not throw away the rubbish and do not make some marks, so that we can enjoy the great building.


关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第四篇

I have a new pet.It is a dog.It is Ming Ming.It is one year old.It is very cute.It has short legs.It has big eyes and long ears.It's very all.It has a short tail.It likes eating bone.It likes running.Sometimes It likes playing with a ball.I like my pet very much.


Our art teacher描述老师

Our art teather is not too young and not too old . He has black hair two big and black eyes ,a all nose and a big mouth . Look, he is wearing a blue and white jacket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes. He is very funny. He is a good art teather . We all like him .


关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第五篇

I have a lot of troubles, such as going to school, homework, and parents’ ramble. They like the stars in the sky. I am afraid of the darkness. This is my biggest trouble. At night, I am fear of going out alone. And when my parents sleep, I even can’t go to the toilet. Therefore, I never drink water before sleep. And I always turn on the light when I am sleeping. I know it’s not good but I can’t sleep in the darkness.


关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第六篇

It was a nice day. My family and I went to the park to have a walk. There are a lot of people in the park. They are all enjoying different kinds of activities. Some are playing cards, some are playing chess, some are walking their dogs, and others are talking and laughing happily with their friends. I like this kind of atmosphere. The park is a good place to relax ourselves. It is also a good place to do some exercise to keep healthy.


关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第七篇

I love my dog 我爱我的狗

I have a little dog. Its name is Googlo. He is three years old. He has two big eyes. They're black. He has one blue ear and one black ear. He is clever.

I like my Googlo. He likes playing with me. He can bark, jump and run. He can play football, basketball and volleyball. He likes playing football very much. He likes some fruit, such as apples, bananas, oranges, pears and watermelons. He enjoys his snacks.

I love my dog--Googlo. He is very interesting.

关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第八篇





关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第九篇

Every Saturday night, the phoenix the music fountain in the square began to water. The waiting man people mountain people sea.

7 o 'clock, music fountain has begun!

To start with, the water column to fly into the sky, but like didn't learn to fly the bird can't fly fly. Water again and again efforts, finally successful. It a surge, but didn't fly how long, was the axe hand to split in half.

Water not only change more, and many colors, red, yellow, blue, white, green.

Look, this is the beauty of the music fountain!







关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第十篇

Hello everybody! My name is Master Yang Chao, twelve have been May Day, in the City, Henan Province, Hui Yu Primary school.

I have a black shiny hair, big eyes, high nose bridge. The name is a grandfather gave me, the teacher may be a teacher on my behalf, on behalf of Yang I am a sunshine boy, super mean that I have superhuman mind.

My hobbies are: playing basketball, swimming, riding a bike. My favorite is playing basketball, I will get to the stadium every weekend to play basketball.

My biggest dream is to be Prime Minister, so no worries about the poor families to eat and drink, but also benefit the majority of the people.

This is lovely for me.

Hui Yu City of Henan Province in the fifth grade: Teacher Yang Chao

关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第十一篇

christmas is a christian holiday held on december 25 which celebrates the birth of jesus christ. eastern orthodox churches, which use the julian calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on january 7 by the gregorian calendar. both dates are merely traditional and neither is thought to be the actual birthdate of jesus. christ's birth, or nativity, is said to fulfill old testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior.

关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第十二篇

On the New Year’s Eve, my family gets together and has a big meal, we talk so happily and share the happy moment. After dinner, we play the firework, it is so beautiful, I make many wishes. I wish all my family members be healthy and happy, I wish I can make progress on my study. I hope all my wishes can realize.


关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第十三篇

An Unforgettable Birthday Party

I had an unforgettable birthday party when I was thirteen years old. Before that, I had never invited my friends to my birthday party and it was my first time to do that. When the party began, we had chocolate and juice at home and we played a funny game. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, I liked them very much. Later we went to a restaurant and had a big dinner. I had a birthday cake with thirteen candles. I blew out them. My friends said, “Happy birthday to you!" I was so excited. I cut the cake into pieces and gave them to everyone. I did not do well in it, but we laughed and laughed. We were happy that day.

Money doesn’t mean everything, but friendship can make us happy. I can’t forget that birthday party and I miss my friends very much.

I was born on May 19,1980.Every birthday receive presents such as toys,candy ang books from my parents and friends.But this birthday is different.

Onthe morning of my fourteenth birthday, I got up earlier than usual to make breakfast for my parents. I wanted to give them a surprise. this is the first time I have got up earlier than my parents and made breakfast for them.And I will never forget their iling faces when tey saw what Idid for them.

关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第十四篇

Last Saturday, my mother took me to the supermarket, because I did well in school. And she would buy five things to me for my good behave. When we got to the supermarket, I was so excited. There were so many things. I picked up a bag of candy, two bags of chips, a piece of chocolate, and a doll. It was a happy day.


关于小学英语作文样本汇总 第十五篇

Tom wants to watch monkey3 for he thinks they are clever.

However Susan likes to see elphants because he considers that elphants are nice.

Pandas are Lucy's faviourt animals. But what a regret that Jane couldn't go along with them because her mother stays out and sha has to take care of her little brother.


The elephant is always white and it has a long nose.

The four legs are very large and they look like four big pillars.

The two big ears are like two fans. It always uses its long nose to eat and have a bath.


I have a zoo.There are have many animals.such as tingers, bears, birds, monkys, lions. rabbits,pandas.and so on.Tigers are very strong.

Bears are health.brids singing on the tree.

Monkeys are clever,they are making maths questions.rabbits are white,they are have long ears.red eyes.so beautifully.

Pandas are our country's baby.they are very lovely.


It's Sunday today. Tom, Susan and Lucy are supposed to be going to zoo. Tom wants to watch monkey3 for he thinks they are clever.

However Susan likes to see elphants because he considers that elphants are nice.

Pandas are Lucy's faviourt animals.

But what a regret that Jane couldn't go along with them because her mother stays out and sha has to take care of her little brother.


Elephants are the biggest animals on land.They have long noses, and we call the noses trunks.

Elephants use their trunks to get food and put the food into their mouths.Elephants have very long and strong teeth.

And we call the teeth tusks.








家乡新变化作文600字 看我家乡新变化



在我记忆的深处,有一位像慈母般的老师深深的记在我的脑海里。  她粗黑健挺的眉毛下,长着一对炯炯有神的眼睛,还长着一个大大的嘴巴。一次,我们刚吃过正午饭,正要兴致勃勃的,去玩时,一辆玩俱小汽车挡在了我的前面,我一不留神的踩在那个玩俱小汽车上,只听见咚的一声,我便栽了个四脚朝天,膝盖上的皮也被擦破了,鲜红的血从伤口中流出来,顿时,我疼得哇哇大哭,眼见了,连忙走过来,把我谨言慎行地扶了起来,xxx蹲下身



